Friday, 14 November 2008


I felt that I received positive feedback for my ideas and designs despite being one of the last in the group to present my box, therefore leaving little time to get the most out of the critique. However, I was able to make some notes along the way, reminding me of what I need to consider and include in my project. For example, how will my watch sit in the box?
A few people mentioned that the box looks bare on the slanted side and suggested that maybe I should put the Animal logo there, where it is a window or a stamp.
I need to consider how my watch will sit in the box. Talking to Dan just before the critique he mentioned an idea that stuck in my head, which was to fill it with small polystyrene balls, protective and also resembles snowballs, tying in with my snowboarding theme. Another approach to this would be to have a cardboard insert, which ties in with the whole eco-friendly/recycled idea I had originally been aiming towards.
Neil noticed that on my mock-up that I had produced for the critique, my blue line was round the wrong way, I need to fix this ready for hand-in.

All in all, it was good constructive feedback which I was very happy with. I just need to apply these ideas now to give my box a complementary finish.

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