Monday, 3 November 2008


What an achievement! I'm so happy all our hard work has paid off and our name and one of our logos got chosen to use in the new refurbished Ink Bar. 
During working on this we have been round and round in circles! We have managed to convince the owner of the Ink Bar that 'The Office' was a bad name, as soon as we were able to do that, the ball started rolling. From this the name has swapped between Ink Bar, Ink, Ink Dot Bar, Bar Ink, Ink Dot and Bar Dot Ink. There were problems in the name for trademark purposes as there was previously a bar up in Manchester called Ink Bar. It seems as though luck is on our side as they have recently refurbished and re-branded themselves as O-Bar meaning we can finally claim Ink Bar!
Now that we have a solid name, we are able to produce our merchandise and promotion material. The launch is still on the 20th November, which leaves 17 days until the big day! Eek! This is also the same day as all of our project work is due too. Going to be some tight deadlines I think.
Now we have the winning logo (shown below, Congratulations James!):

All we need to do now is design the website, menu, key fob, Christmas promotion flyers, loyalty cards, and invitations! In a few days. It's going to be tough, but if we stick together as a group I think we can do this! We are each going to take on a task to produce various bits so at the end we can all pull it together. This will look great in our portfolios!
We have been invited to the launch night, and Chloe also mentioned that her and Matt Desmier are trying to get some press coverage on the whole re-launch. Wow! First serious live brief and it's going public!
First thing we need to do is prioritise the invitations and Christmas flyers, Vicky, James and myself will work on these whilst George and Luke work on the website.

More updates soon.

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