Wednesday, 29 October 2008


It's only been a few hours, and already Chloe Parmiter has contacted us which is great news.
Really promising for future projects for our Ink Bar team! 

Hey guys

Thanks for all your work to date, the ideas and the debates are very 
inspiring. As I mentioned to you I am having a meeting at 10am 
tomorrow to discuss, I will let you know following that. I do have 
some other projects on the go, so if you are interested in getting 
some live briefs to work on, then let me know. These are much more 
specific with content and far more brand identity and some you maybe 
able to incorporate into your units for uni.

So keep intouch and catch up soon

Chloe Parmiter

It's great to know we have a contact already for live briefs. Hopefully this will become more frequent :)

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